
Eldi Jewelry is an online piercing jewelry store, with biocompatible materials and quality guarantee.

The Piercing User as an Artist and the Modified Body as a Living Expression of Art

Piercing is an ancient art, where the modified human body is the masterpiece, and the artist is the user who, with the help of the piercer and the jeweler, completes the work. We are interested in reflecting on the fact that everyone who gets a piercing, with each of their aesthetic decisions, becomes an artist.

Piercing is a technique created by ancient civilizations, primarily in Asia and Africa, where people pierced their skin with bone and stone fragments under the belief that these practices would ward off evil spirits or prevent misfortune, depending on the area of the body pierced. Today, we talk about Body Art, which is the partial or total modification of our body, with permanent or temporary changes such as tattoos and piercings in all their forms.

Body art is not a fashion trend. It can be compared more to a ritualistic and even spiritual practice. It is a practice that is now carried out with more knowledge and health criteria than in past generations, allowing us to know which materials are best suited for each function.

¿Who is the artist in this art?

All arts are a combination of techniques and sensitivity. In the art of piercing, the resulting work is the sum of the sensitivities of various actors expressed through modifications on a human body.

There are several artists: on one hand, we have the craftsman or jewelry designer, along with the piercer. On the other hand, we have the user, who completes the work on their own body and gives it sensitive value through their decisions: the area of the body, the type of jewelry, the combination with other jewelry, tattoos, clothing, and overall look.

Artisans, goldsmiths and piercing designers

When we see a piece of body jewelry or a piercing, we are looking at the result of the vision of an artist or jewelry craftsman, who, through their mastery of techniques, emotions, and materials, shapes this small object. Each piece of jewelry interacts with the sensitivity of the jeweler and the universe of the person who chooses it to be part of their body.

Your body completes the work of art

In the art of Body Piercing, the creator of the jewelry does not know in advance the final result of the work. The user, by choosing a piercing and the site where they want to wear it, completes the work of body art.

The color of your skin, another nearby piercing, a tattoo, the cut and color of your hair, the position where you decide to place your piercing, and many other factors combine to produce a new sensitive expression of your body, a composition that is ultimately a work of art.

The Expression of a Living Work of Art

Every piercing user, through piercing and placing accessories on their skin, expresses their personality to the world. They manifest traits of their identity in clearer and more sensitive ways. 

When one contemplates a human being with their look and body piercings, one is contemplating a living work of art, receiving a message that stimulates emotions and perception of the person, both aesthetically and ethically. “I am.” That is the message.

I am a man, I am a woman, I am everything and nothing. I am as fragile as a butterfly’s wings, I am transparent, or I am strong and resistant like titanium; I am sexy, I am sensitive, I am me.

Each piercing and each application allows us to express a part of who we are. And this expression is one of the most vibrant forms of art because “I am not what you think” but a variable and infinite possibility of being.


We would like to read your comments. If you wish, tell us what you want to express when you become a work of art.


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