
Eldi Jewelry is an online piercing jewelry store, with biocompatible materials and quality guarantee.

Care to heal and maintain a healthy piercing

To maintain a healthy piercing during placement, healing, and everyday use, it is essential to follow some cleaning guidelines, use certain products, and understand specific care for different pierced areas.

Knowing how to properly care for our piercing will help us enjoy a healthy piercing and pierced area while avoiding complications. As discussed in the article titled: “PIERCING AND THE PAIN RANKING,” each pierced body area requires special considerations.


  • Wash your hands before cleaning or directly touching the piercing or the area around it.
  • Do not use solid (bar) soaps of any kind, as they cannot be kept free from contamination once the package is opened.
  • Avoid using irritating products such as alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, or other similar products.
  • Do not remove scabs or solid residues as this can cause a new wound, contamination, and an opening for microorganisms, leading to an infection.
  • Do not apply makeup, creams, or ointments of any kind to the pierced area.
  • Do not play with, irritate, or unnecessarily move the jewelry.
  • Maintaining good health is vital.
  • Ensure stable hydration, vitamin C levels, and iron levels. The latter two influence cellular regeneration and immune defenses respectively.


  • Hydrate the piercing with a saline solution (isotonic saline solution) at least once or twice a day. Afterwards, use a damp gauze to remove any residue from the skin or jewelry.

  • If you need to clean the piercing during a bath, you can use liquid soap. Lather the soap and gently apply it to the piercing, removing any adhered elements. Finish by rinsing thoroughly with water.

  • To dry the area, it is advisable to use disposable paper, gauze, or paper tissues, as cloth towels can harbor microorganisms that could cause an infection.



  • Hydrate the piercing with a saline solution (isotonic saline solution) at least once or twice a day. Afterwards, use a damp gauze to remove any residue from the skin or jewelry.

  • If you need to clean the piercing during a bath, always use liquid soap. Lather the soap and gently apply it to the piercing, removing any adhered elements. Finish by rinsing thoroughly with water.

  • Remember to use disposable paper, gauze, or paper tissues to dry the area.

  • Avoid sexual intercourse for the first few days. This is the most challenging part, but how many days? Each piercing requires different times, but for this area, a maximum period of 20 days is recommended. If you feel ready for sexual activity, ensure it is gentle at first, and hygiene and comfort are paramount.

  • It is advisable to perform thorough hygiene before sexual activity to remove any adhered elements that could cause injury (to you or your partner) during intercourse. This hygiene can be done with warm natural water or saline solution.

  • Always use protection (condom) to prevent the wound from coming into contact with any bodily fluids, whether with a stable partner or not.
    Some genital piercings may bleed heavily during the first few days. Do not panic and continue with the recommended care. Consult with your piercer and keep them informed of any observations.

  • You may feel a slight burning sensation after urinating. We recommend repeating the hygiene with saline solution to alleviate this sensation and avoid irritation caused by urine.


External Area

  • Hydrate the piercing with a saline solution (isotonic saline solution) at least once or twice a day. Afterwards, use a damp gauze to remove any residue from the skin or jewelry.

  • If you need to clean the piercing during a bath, you can use liquid soap. Lather the soap and gently apply it to the piercing, removing any adhered elements. Finish by rinsing thoroughly with water.

  • Remember to use disposable paper, gauze, or paper tissues to dry the area, as cloth towels can harbor microorganisms that could cause an infection.

Internal Area

  • Perform a complete dental brushing upon waking and after each meal.

  • Rinse your mouth between meals with a mouthwash that does not contain alcohol or whitening agents. If it does, dilute it to 50%.

  • Avoid repetitive chewing or sucking movements if you eat irritating foods or foods that could strain the piercing area or enter it.

  • Piercing care does not end with the healing process; it is also important to follow cleaning and disinfection guidelines during everyday use.

  • Keep your hands clean and wear your piercing jewelry with peace of mind. What other special care do you know of? Share your opinions in the comments section.

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